Cuisine of China and Vietnam at GastroHub

Saturday at GastroHub was not only delicious but also helpful! For the second time, the master class of Asian Kitchen for Beginners was held. Participants, along with the brand chef of The Garden Restaurant and VARUS restaurant and shop chain – Kostiantyn Chernenko, plunged into China and Vietnam. They independently prepared the following dishes from A to Z:
- Peking duck
- Chinese home-made noodles
- Hong Kong style noodles fried with bamboo and pineapples
- Tiger prawn spring rolls and tuna fillets
- Nems – fried and classic with Dassen’s original sauce
- Lagman with marinated veal and baked eggplant or tofu (optional)
- Vietnamese branded jam donuts
In the process, Kostiantyn supervised the work of each participant, gave tips and talked about dishes
not only from the practical but also the theoretical side. The dishes were 100% successful, so we are
waiting for the next master class!